Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocabulary List #3

Accomplice-a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing
The robber had an accomplice to complete the bank robbery successfully.

Annihilate- to utterly destroy
The Twin Towers were annihilated on September 11, 2001.

Arbitrary- based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system:
 We made an arbitrary decision to go out to dinner before the game.

Brazen- shameless or impudent

Catalyst- a person or thing that quickly causes change
The dropping of the bomb was a major catalyst during the war.

Exodus- a going out, a departure
We went on a foreign exodus during the summer.

Facilitate- to make easier or less difficult
 My mom helps facilitate my problems.

Incorrigible-bad beyond correction or reform
The car was incorrigible after the accident.

Latent-present but not visible, hidden, concealed
The spirit around the campus has been latent for too many years.

Militant-vigorously active and aggressive
The employees militantly protested in front of the company.

Morose-gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
They morosely looked at all of the assignments they had to accomplish.

Opaque-not transparent or translucent
 She wouldn't drink the water because it was nearly opaque.  

Paramount-above others in rank or authority, very important
 It is paramount to remember all of these vocabulary words.

Prattle- talk in a foolish or simple-minded way
 I don't like associating with those who prattle.

Rebut- claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false
The reckless driver tried to rebut the ticket he received.

Reprimand-severe reproof or rebuke
My parents will reprimand me if I get caught doing something I shouldn't be doing.

Servitude-slavery or bondage of any kind
 All forms or servitude in America are illegal.

Slapdash-hurriedly and carelessly
It was noticeable that student was very slapdash with his work.

Stagnant- not flowing or running
The riverbed is dry because the river is stagnant.

Succumb-to give way to superior force
 She was trying to lose weight, but she would always succumb to sweets and soda.

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